Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday Birds

The time is right
It's a cold Friday
Water dripping in a rush
The time is not after them

This bird has it in his heart
To fly high and mighty
Travelling as the water drips
For his soul in the far end
Of the world

This bird determined so hard
To glide with the chilly wind
Fighting to his last soar
For his soul afar

This bird keep it in the gut
To be with his soul
In their built house
Soaring the sky together
Be with his soul the whole time
Learning from each other
Forgiving, having all shared together
Having faith in each other
Be together to eternity

This bird has a dream
Of walking the life together
Spend the time together
Be in the little house together
Fishing the sky together
Gazing the horizon together
Many things...together

This is the Friday
That changed his bones and feathers
All the way the Friday
Which he awake

Why o pretty bird
Why is your song so weak
Why o mighty bird
Why is your wing exhausted

Why you silly bird
Why is your flight interrupted

Why you foolish bird
Why do you wail aloud

Why you poor thing
Where is your little house

Where is your little house?
WHY poor bird
What is dripping out of you
Flowing out of you poor bird
Black and dirty

WHY little bird
Where is your house?
Why do your body weakened
Stained blood
Black and dirty

Dreams are shattering
Seeping out of your veins
Slowly slowly it drain out
The little house you built
In a room inside your tiny heart
But now it seems
Black and dirty

This bird doesn't know

For him

Alive is not the matter

Raise from the calamity

And attend to

His soul is all that matters

This poor silly bird never knew
His house were destroyed
To the last bit

This bird never knew
His soul was no more his
His soul were given to another bird
Of stronger figure
And better physique than his
Of another Friday bird

This is the Friday
He lost his little house
And all the dreams
And all the memory
With his soul

For her, the little soul

Amend your life

Rest our memory within

Always will I pray for your


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